FOMC声明全文(ロイター)/Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement (FRB)[2020.7.30]

FOMC声明全文(ロイター)/Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement (FRB)[2020.7.30]



2020年7月30日 / 04:46 /


Reuters Staff

2 分で読む

[ワシントン 29日 ロイター] - 米連邦準備理事会(FRB)は、この厳しい局面で米経済を支援するためにあらゆる手段を行使し、雇用最大化と物価安定という目標を促進することに全力で取り組む。

新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大は、米国および世界中で多大な人的および経済的苦難をもたらたしている。経済活動と雇用は急速な落ち込みの後、ここ数カ月で幾分持ち直したが、年初の水準を大きく下回ったままだ(Following sharp declines, economic activity and employment have picked up somewhat in recent months but remain well below their levels at the beginning of the year)。需要低迷と原油価格の大幅な下落は消費者物価の上昇を抑えている。経済および米国の家計や企業への信用の流れを支援するための政策措置を部分的に反映し、全体的な金融状況はここ数カ月で(in recent months)改善した。

経済の道筋は、ウイルスの行方に著しく左右されるだろう(The path of the economy will depend significantly on the course of the virus)。現在進行中の公衆衛生の危機は短期的に経済活動、雇用、インフレの大きな重しとなり、中期的な経済見通しに著しいリスクをもたらすだろう。こうした状況を踏まえ、委員会はフェデラルファンド(FF)金利の目標誘導レンジを0~0.25%に維持することを決定した。委員会は経済が最近の出来事を乗り切り、雇用最大化と物価安定の目標を達成する軌道に乗ったと確信するまで、この目標誘導レンジを維持すると予想する。




(Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

Press Release

July 29, 2020

Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

For release at 2:00 p.m. EDT

The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its maximum employment and price stability goals.

The coronavirus outbreak is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world. Following sharp declines, economic activity and employment have picked up somewhat in recent months but remain well below their levels at the beginning of the year. Weaker demand and significantly lower oil prices are holding down consumer price inflation. Overall financial conditions have improved in recent months, in part reflecting policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses.

The path of the economy will depend significantly on the course of the virus. The ongoing public health crisis will weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and poses considerable risks to the economic outlook over the medium term. In light of these developments, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent. The Committee expects to maintain this target range until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals.

The Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook, including information related to public health, as well as global developments and muted inflation pressures, and will use its tools and act as appropriate to support the economy. In determining the timing and size of future adjustments to the stance of monetary policy, the Committee will assess realized and expected economic conditions relative to its maximum employment objective and its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments.

To support the flow of credit to households and businesses, over coming months the Federal Reserve will increase its holdings of Treasury securities and agency residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities at least at the current pace to sustain smooth market functioning, thereby fostering effective transmission of monetary policy to broader financial conditions. In addition, the Open Market Desk will continue to offer large-scale overnight and term repurchase agreement operations. The Committee will closely monitor developments and is prepared to adjust its plans as appropriate.

Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Michelle W. Bowman; Lael Brainard; Richard H. Clarida; Patrick Harker; Robert S. Kaplan; Neel Kashkari; Loretta J. Mester; and Randal K. Quarles.

Implementation Note issued July 29, 2020

Last Update: July 29, 2020